Early Summer.


At this time of year the season seems to be in a mad race with itself. The day is so long, the sunlight so bright, the rain so hard; the plants are pumping up so fast I swear I can hear them growing.

Every morning a new flower has opened; more and more leaves have unfurled; the beans have slithered up their poles; the marrows have pushed across the lawn. Bindweed has pulled a fruit bush down into the grass; spears of horsetails have erupted from out of the soil and the slugs have left a silver trail over everything.

Even in the deep forest strange things are growing. Perfect candles of white orchids shimmer in the dark and bird’s nest orchids, brown and saprophytic push out of the loose decaying leaves.

Sleeping seems impossible: what might be missed?

There will be plenty of time to sleep in the winter.




11 thoughts on “Early Summer.

  1. tanjabrittonwriter says:

    It really was. Most people get used to it, but not all. It can be even more challenging in winter, when daylight hours are very limited. Many people are affected by seasonal affective disorder and use light boxes. Luckily, I was spared that experience.

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