Sliding on by.

This grape vine tendril has grown right across my front door step. This is vegetable testimony to how few people have stepped across the threshold and how rarely I have been out this way.

When the vine started budding it was early spring and we sat drinking tea in the sunshine, enjoying the lockdown and the luxury of working from home and watching the garden come to life for once. The bat came back to roost in the eves as summer started and the grapes began to set.

Now it is autumn : Being home is still a pleasure and the garden is still amazing but venturing beyond the garden still seems foolish . Covid has not gone away and so the grapes have fattened unadmired by guests and visitors.

I wish there was a reason to trim the wayward frond , I wish the vine shoot was in anybody’s way: but it isnt, so it curls indolently over the door mat.

I wonder if the door will be completely overgrown by the time a vaccine liberates us all back into normal life, or if I will have simply learnt to make my own wine and there will be no reason to ever go out again!

27 thoughts on “Sliding on by.

  1. DizzytheDonkey says:

    I think the vine looks very pretty there. πŸ™‚ Although our garden is getting a little scruffy now. Like you I’m staying in, and all the tomatoes and veg are coming to the end of the season. I need to purchase some nice winter plants to replace them with. πŸ™‚ xxx

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Jet Eliot says:

    Wonderful and profound post, Cathy. The photo is telling, and your ponderings and eloquent words do a great job of summing up what you and all of us have encountered in this long and mysterious and troubling time. I espec. loved the final paragraph, and your exclamation gave me a good laugh. Who knows how this will turn out….

    Liked by 1 person

  3. johnlmalone says:

    a lovely post; I love the phrase ‘it curls indolently over the door mat’: only a writer could write that; my partner has a lovely garden and on warn spring evenings we sit outside, sip our wine and ruminate πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

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